Tuesday, December 24, 2013

** 21st Century Tales of High Fantasy Now in Print! **

Slot Machine Image

I'm happy to announce that 21st Century Tales of High Fantasy is now available both in print AND in eBook formats. You can see it here:


250 pages, 9 stories, and 2 great options for reading it (print and Kindle)!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Google Hates Anonymous (and maybe me as well)

Yesterday was a bit rough for me, at least in the small part of my universe that exists within Google's sphere of influence. I had uploaded some new images to my AdWords campaign the day before (that is Google's internet advertising service for those that may not know), and logged in to my account to discover that almost every one of them had been "disapproved." Why? According to the small blurb (the only explanation Google provides) Family Status - Unacceptable Image. I kid you not. Here's the page below:

Checking a little closer, I found the only image to be approved was one in which the "Anonymous" character was mostly obstructed from view. That character is from a short story in the anthology called "Spirit of Anonymous," which briefly takes a look at the "Anonymous" subculture. That character certainly isn't doing anything adult oriented in the image (that's the exact one from the Amazon-approved cover!), but that was the only link between the banned ads. So I re-uploaded the images after editing him out. The result? Every one was approved. Apparently, one of the workers over at Google just doesn't like Anonymous. But judge for yourself: the banner on the left was Disapproved, the one on the right was later Approved:

I should also note that this blog's AdSense account (where Google puts an ad on the side of the page) was also "Disapproved" yesterday (can't they use "Declined" or "Denied" instead? Much less angry words). So maybe it isn't Anonymous they dislike, but me. :) Either way, I carry on. Until next time!

-= Arbee Cole

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello, World! 21st Century Tales of High Fantasy is Released!

21st Century Tales of High Fantasy Released! - Arbee Cole

December 10th, 2013, marks a big day for me - it is the day my first book, 21st Century Tales of High Fantasy Volume One, went live and was published on Amazon.com.

If you haven't seen it, take a quick visit to Amazon and check it out: http://www.amazon.com/21st-Century-Tales-Fantasy-Volume-ebook/dp/B00H7MYJFQ

So, what is 21CTHFv1? It is a collection of modern (contemporary) fantasy stories written by yours truly that focuses on life in the early 21st Century. Yes, that means the characters deal with numerous current issues, including life in the inner city, high rates of unemployment, internet anonymity (or lack thereof), gambling, and the merging of magic and religion with an ever-more-scientific world. The stories range from the fanciful to the gritty, but all are entwined with those concepts. If this sort of fantasy literature sounds interesting to you, please check out my work (currently available on Kindle, soon to be available in paperback).

-= Arbee Cole

Book Cover